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Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 6, 2024

Rafiki Pest Control is a pest control company based in Kenya. They offer various pest control services, including bedbug control, cockroach control, ant control, and mosquito control. They also sell various pest control products, such as pesticides, traps, and mosquito nets.

Rafiki Pest Control is a licensed and insured company. They use the latest pest control methods and technologies. They also offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of their services.

Rafiki Pest Control is a member of the Kenyan Pest Control Association. They are also committed to protecting the environment and use only environmentally friendly pest control products.

Here are some of the benefits of using Rafiki Pest Control:

  • They are a licensed and insured company.
  • They use the latest pest control methods and technologies.
  • They offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of their services.
  • They are a member of the Kenyan Pest Control Association.
  • They are committed to protecting the environment and use only environmentally friendly pest control products.

Rafiki Pest Control is recommended if you are looking for a pest control company in Kenya. They are a reputable company with a good track record.

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Contact Information

Duruma Rd, Down Town Towers. 8th Floor
Nairobi 100, Kenya

Call Now. +254717819204