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Rafiki Pest Control LTD

Just blink, and you'll miss it. Spiders have a lightning-fast speed, and besides being venomous, they are also the most beneficial insect predators. They feed on other insect pests on the farm, and they release venom used to kill prey. They have been used in big farms to control insect infestations, like in the apple orchards of Israel and rice fields in China. 

Spider bites are extremely painful and scarring, and they cause very nasty wounds. If a spider unintentionally gets stuck between your skin and something else like bedding, clothes, or shoes, or if you try to handle them unprotected, they will bite in defence. The only way you can be confident you aren't losing anyone to any threat while exterminating spiders is by getting help from a professional spider controller, who is well-trained in the efficient methods of handling spiders.

Spider Facts You Probably Did Not Know

Blue Blood

Contrary to what most people assume, spiders' blood is blue. The scientific reason behind this is that, unlike many living beings whose oxygen is bound to a molecule containing iron, hence the red blood colour, the oxygen in spiders is fixed to molecules containing copper, therefore, the blue colour in their blood. 

They Like to Entice

Male spiders are hopelessly romantic. They offer their prospective partners gifts, such as insects carefully wrapped in silk to win their hearts. They don't stop there; they also entertain the females with their unique dance moves to try to get a date with them.   

Those Ants you are Seeing Can Be Disguised Spiders.

A strange fact about spiders is that they can imitate the appearance of ants and may evolve to adopt their pheromones. While some do it to keep off predators, others feed on insect ants with ease.

Many Spiders Use Their Hairs Against Predators

Just as a porcupine uses its quills for protection and defence against a predator, so does the tarantula spider fling its tiny, irritating wings to keep off predators. 

There Are Male Spiders Whose Biggest Desire Is to Get Eaten.

The Red Widow Spider pressures the female to eat him by putting himself into her pangs. In the case she refuses to eat him, he will put himself in her pangs repeatedly until she finally gives in and eats him. 

Why Do Spiders Come into Your Home?

  • Safety. Like humans, spiders prefer to make a home where they will feel safe to spend the day and even sleep without the risk of predators. 
  • Warmth. Spiders can barely survive cold weather outside. Hence, they search for warm, dark places to harbour and build permanent webs. 
  • Food. Spiders like good food access, such as garbage and rotten foods.
  • Other Insect Pests. Spiders like to feed on other insects. If your home is attracted to insects, including g flies and fleas, you can expect to deal with a spider infestation soon. 

How to Keep Spiders Away?

It is challenging to eliminate or keep spiders away, too. The most effective step is to destroy everything they may be coming for in your home. 

  • Thoroughly Clean Your Home. Maintain hygiene and cleanliness at home. Sweep and thoroughly vacuum your home often. Consider dark places like the basement, house corners, window sills, and the ceiling.
  • Ensure There Are No Insects in Your Home. Spiders like to feed on insects. Therefore, consider calling a pest control expert to thoroughly inspect your premises and ascertain that no insects have made shelter. 
  • Empty Garbage. Throw away any waste immediately and ensure none remains in or close to your house. Similarly, ensure the garbage cans are a reasonable distance from the house. 
  • Block cracks and crevices. Spiders like to hide in dark cracks and crevices where predators won't spot them; therefore, sealing them will be an excellent way to keep them off. 
  • Clean your yard. Keep the vegetation and bushes in your yard trimmed constantly. Incredibly trim any edges that may be hanging towards your house. 
  • Get rid of rotting plants. Repair any rooting furniture; all dead plants, leaves, or flowers should always be raked and disposed of far from the house.

Dangers Posed by Spiders

Although spiders rarely bite humans and will only do so as a form of self-defence, their presence in your premises can expose you to potential dangerous risks, including:

  • Severe skin reactions caused by their venom
  • Painful scars and very nasty wounds
  • Severe spider bite symptoms that may even require hospitalization such as:
  1. Painful stinging sensation
  2. Red marks on the bitten area
  3. Localized skin swelling
  4. Bad skin injuries 
  • If spiders infest your business premises, they can terrify potential clients and customers, resulting in a significant loss. 

Most Common Hiding Spots for Spiders

It is expected to find spiders straying around your house. However, it is always challenging to find their hiding spot. They are careful when finding the most secretive hiding spots like:

  • In the basement and garage
  • House corners and window sills
  • Ceiling
  • Inside the vegetation and bushes in your yard
  • Under the furniture
  • In cracks and crevices of the bed and walls
  • Within your piles of clutter and inside your closet in the dark corners

DIY Spider Inspection

DIY Spider Inspection is unsafe because spiders are always ready to bite in defense when disturbed. You must, therefore, wear full protective gear before embarking on any inspection. You will also require a bright flashlight. 

  • Carefully check all the places that stay undisturbed for quite some time, including stored boxes and ceilings. 
  • Also, keenly inspect the dark corners of your house, like behind cabinets and under the furniture, using the flashlight 
  • Check for any signs of cobwebs in broken furniture and tiny cracks and crevices inside.
  • Thoroughly search your bed, shoes, boots, and closet to spot a spider or their webs. 
  • Finally, inspect your yard's exterior walls, bushes, vegetation, and any cracks and holes.

DIY Spider Control

Spider infestations are annoying when they build their nests all over your house and compound. You must ensure safety first to eliminate a spider infestation in your home alone. Wear protective gear to protect yourself from any risk of spider bites. You can use spider control products to treat the infested areas, but remember that if you misapply insecticides, they may be ineffective.

While DIY spider control will not give you the much-desired perfect results, there are a few things you can try, including:  

  • Spider sprays. 
  • Controlling and eliminating their food sources like other insects
  • Use sticky glue traps in the most common spider hiding spots to capture and kill spiders.
  • Whack tiny/few spiders with a shoe or a newspaper.

Professional Spider Control 

Our Professional Spider Controllers are skilled with the most advanced techniques for handling spiders, and they will visit your premises upon your request. They will perform a very keen inspection to ascertain the type and level of spider infestation. Depending on the findings, they will recommend a tailored expert treatment plan to ensure the elimination of the spiders and protection against future infestations. We also maintain close follow-ups to ensure your safety and comfortable living.  

Don't Let Pests Bite

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Duruma Rd, Down Town Towers. 8th Floor
Nairobi 100, Kenya

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