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Rafiki Pest Control LTD

Snakes are also called serpents; they are reptiles with elongated bodies and lack legs. You will find them in almost any part of the world, mainly in forests, deep vegetation, deserts, and water, and in other cases, they harbour in holes and under the rocks in homes. Most people fear these slithering reptiles and will avoid contact with them at all costs. Snake bites are very dangerous and deadly. Therefore, people must learn how to keep snakes away to prevent a dreadful encounter with them.

Why and When Do Snakes Appear?

Snakes can survive in every corner of the world if their environment is favourable. However, they avoid icy places as they cannot thrive in such environments. Snakes find a place to hibernate when the temperatures get too chilly, like underground, abandoned house structures, cracks, and crevices. 

Snakes will come into your home if there is a good shelter and enough food. Some species of snakes feed on rodents like rats and mice, slugs, geckos, and frogs. Others, like pythons, prefer to eat birds like chicken. You will likely deal with a snake infestation if you have a domestic animal shed in your yard. Controlling rodents and other pests is the best way to control snakes in your home. It is best to call a pest control expert to help you exterminate pests and prevent snake infestations. 

Where Do Snakes Hide at Home?

Snakes come into your home because there is a good food supply for them. Once they have eaten, snakes are too lazy to move long distances. Therefore, they will look for a safe place to shelter in your compound. The Carpet Pythons, for instance, will curl up in your ceilings where there is good warmth, and they will not be disturbed. Other snakes find it secure to shelter in;

  • Under piles of wood or timber
  • Under sheets of corrugated metal
  • Near window sills
  • Piles of stones/rocks
  • Dense vegetation and grasses
  • In storage boxes or around places, clothes
  • In dark, warm places
  • Close to sources of heat like electrical appliances.
  • Stored manure and an organic farm with frequent crop rotation. 

Where Do Snakes Come From? 

If the environment in your home or yard meets all the snakes’ needs, including food, fresh water, and good warmth, they will most likely harbour. You will experience a lot of snake activities, and they will be creating trouble throughout the year. But where exactly do these snakes come from? They are dated millions of years ago, and their habitats are incredibly diverse, from land, thick vegetation, water, and trees. When these habitats become unfavourable to them, they will migrate into your home for a better stay. 

What Do Snakes Eggs Look Like?

You will know how to quickly identify snake eggs once you have learned all their characteristics. Snakes, like most other reptiles, lay eggs. The female looks for a warm, secure place underneath a small amount of soil or sand, lays eggs and abandons them there. Different snake types lay different amounts of eggs, from 2 to 100 at once.   

Unlike birds, snake eggs feel leathery and can barely survive much pressure. They have a slightly elongated, oblong shape; in rare instances, like in the American snakes, you will find a circular snake egg. When you examine the egg under a bright light, you can identify the silhouette of a snake’s embryo from within. If you notice such eggs in your yard or compound, call a pest control professional immediately because they should be dealt with care by an expert. 

What Do Snakes Bites Look Like?

Snake bites are the primary reason why the majority of people fear snakes. Snakes bite people as a defence mechanism or a way of hunting prey. Of the many snake species today, only a few have venom. However, snake species that don’t bite their victims attack by squeezing them to death. If a victim unknowingly steps on a snake when working outside or inside the house, the snake responds to such a sudden ‘attack’ by biting. 

Snake bites are mainly distinguished by the appearance of two-puncture bites from the snake’s fangs. Once venom has entered and circulated in the victim’s body, swelling reddens, and extreme pain will be experienced in the bitten area. These symptoms later translate to unclear vision, vomiting, itchy limps, and sweating. Fear from a snake bite generates a racing heart and a dizzy-weakly feeling. Extreme effects are subject to the type of snakes;

  • Kidney problems
  • Severe Bleeding                                                         
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Bleeding and death of tissues
  • Respiratory problems
  • Loss of limbs 
  • Other chronic diseases. 

How to Keep Snakes Away From Your Premises?

It is a helpful rule of thumb for all home and business owners to know how to keep snakes away. If these undesirable pests harbour in your compound, they can cause significant harm to children and pets. While there is no long-term DIY snake control method, we recommend the following measures for keeping snakes far from your premises.

  • Keep Your Yard and Home Snake-Proof. Often, snakes enter homes by mistake or in search of safe shelter and food like rodents. You can prevent such an infestation by having your whole home and yards inspected for openings, cracks, and crevices and sealed completely. 
  • Clear Vegetation- Inspect your compound and fencing often to be sure that there are no unnecessary openings. Dispose of garbage and eliminate miscellaneous plastics and wood to prevent snakes from harbouring or hibernating there. All vegetation in the compound and near the fence should be trimmed and kept under watch.
  • Exterminate Rodents and Other Food Sources- This method is very effective for keeping snakes away. Call a pest control professional to inspect and eliminate all rodent populations that may have infested your premises. Lack of food will discourage snakes, and starvation will kill or send them away. 

Note: Laboratory tests have shown that secondary poisoning does not kill snakes. Therefore, leaving snakes to die of eating poisoned rodents will not help in snake control. 

  • Contact a Pest Professional for Help- Leaving your snake troubles to experienced professionals is the only long-term and most effective method of snake control. A professional should be able to identify the type of snake causing you trouble, do a safe, thorough search to identify their habitat, and recommend the best kind of control to be applied.  

Will Snake Sprays Keep Snakes Away?

If your home or yard seems to be frequented by snakes, you can use snake sprays to keep them away. You must get the most effective snake sprays and spray directly on the snake/snakes for the best results. Snakes hate the smell of sprays and will keep off a treated area. However, note that snake sprays are not effective in controlling snakes and can be dangerous to your family and pets. Such sprays will only send the snakes into hiding, and as soon as the repellent odour is over, they will return.

 Which Snake Treatment Is The Most Effective? 

If you want to exterminate and keep snakes away from your home, you must seek help from a professional pest control expert. As seen above, snake sprays cannot control or eliminate snakes. Our technicians will visit your home, embark on a keen inspection to ascertain the infestation level, and find out what could attract snakes into your home. After that, they will recommend the best course of treatment and advise you on tricks and ways of completely keeping snakes away from your premises. 

Whether most homeowners dread poisonous or non-poisonous snakes, the risk associated with them can be very grievous; if you see a snake in your yard, it is only safe to call a pest control expert to handle the situation with the professionalism demanded.

Don't Let Pests Bite

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Nairobi 100, Kenya

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