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Rafiki Pest Control LTD

Houseflies are not uncommon in homes and businesses in Nakuru, Kenya. These pests pose severe health risks to humans, pets, and domesticated animals. They have been associated with spreading at least 65 diseases like Salmonella, typhoid fever, cholera, leprosy, yaws, and tuberculosis. These nasty pests can spread disease-causing pathogens because they regurgitate and excrete wherever they rest. 

Ignoring a small fly problem can cause it to grow into a severe infestation within the shortest time. Houseflies reproduce at an astonishing rate! Female houseflies have a gestation period of 24 hours and can lay 5-6 batches (each of which contains 75-150 eggs) within three days. Some species can develop from eggs to adults in only seven days!

What Attracts Flies Into Your Home? 

These major carriers of diseases can infest nearly all premises, including homes, hotels, hospitals, offices, and schools. They are attracted to two main things: odor and warmth. Flies especially love rotting material and decaying organic waste like feces and rotting meat where they feed and breed. 

Houseflies are also attracted to the pleasant smells produced by our bodies, body odors, and other substances like protein residues from recent meals we’ve had. Houseflies are not fussy about what they eat. They are attracted to all types of foods, including pet food, animal feed, human food, and food waste. 

Signs Of A Fly Infestation 

Seeing a few flies on your premises may not indicate an infestation. But it is a solid sign of fly activity and a potential infestation, requiring you to take preventative measures. Other signs of a fly infestation include: 

  • Maggots: Maggots are housefly larvae, and they appear like pale worms. Their only goal is to eat and store as much energy as possible for pupal development. Maggots may be an indication of a potential breeding site in your home. They are typically found in waste areas, especially on rotting plant and animal material. 
  • Tiny dark clusters or spots: Once food is metabolized, flies poop the excess in what is usually referred to as ‘fly specks.’ Fly poop is a tiny black or brown dot the size of a pinhead. You will find these dark spots in light fittings, wall surfaces, drainage channels, and areas around sinks. 
  • Sighting flies regularly: If you see many flies constantly buzzing around your refuse area and near other waste containers, that may be a sign of a severe house fly problem. You should also monitor places where water gathers, like old machinery, water butts, guttering, and unused tires. 

House Flies Prevention Tips 

House flies can be such a nuisance. Not only do they spread diseases, but their mere sight can be very disgusting. Luckily, there are some practical and cost-free measures that you can take to keep them away from your premises. You may need to modify your indoor and outdoor environment to eliminate potential breeding spots and ensure successful house fly control. 

  • Keep your windows and doors closed to deny house flies access to your property. 
  • Ensure that foods are always covered. While covering foods keeps flies away, it also reduces the risks of housefly diseases. 
  • Waste containers should be tightly sealed/covered. 
  • Install fly screens on your windows and doors to block flying insects, including houseflies. It is beneficial for the kitchen and waste areas. 
  • Food leftovers and liquid spillages should be cleared immediately from food preparation and consumption areas. 
  • Wash up after pets to keep houseflies away. Pet feces attract flies and make a perfect breeding site for the filthy pests. 
  • Water butts should always be covered with a well-fitted lid. Standing water in watering cans and pot plants should also be eliminated as it offers a perfect breeding site for mosquitoes. 
  • Maintain a clean drain free of debris to reduce possible breeding sites for house flies. 

How To Get Rid Of Flies 

There are several ways to get rid of flies from your home. However, engaging a professional fly control expert is the most effective way to guarantee the total removal of flies from your home or business. 

Rafiki Pest Control experts will follow the ERDM approach to ensure total housefly removal and provide long-term protection from fly infestations. The ERDM approach involves: 

  • Exclusion: we will proof doors, windows, and other possible fly entry points to prevent the pests from entering your premises. 
  • Restriction: We encourage good hygiene, sanitation, and housekeeping practices to remove possible fly breeding sites.
  • Destruction: We provide highly effective fly control treatment for your entire premises. 
  • Monitoring: This involves regular inspections during follow-up visits to ensure total fly extermination and reduced chances of re-infestation. 

Rafiki Pest Control Fly Treatments 

We will thoroughly inspect your entire premises to determine the exact species of flies causing you trouble. Our fly control experts will recommend and customize the most effective fly control treatment plan that meets your needs. Depending on the level of the infestation, our experts will use one or combine the following:

  • Electronic fly killers that trap flying insects inside a unit to avoid contaminating surfaces
  • Good housekeeping and hygiene recommendations
  • Baits 
  • Sprays 
  • Fog
  • Aerosol mists 
  • Dusting powders

These control measures are combined with the ERDM practices to offer highly effective control results and long-term protection from house fly infestations. 

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Contact Information

Duruma Rd, Down Town Towers. 8th Floor
Nairobi 100, Kenya

Call Now.+254717819204