Mchwatox 350SC
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How to Buy Mchwatox 350SC from Our Shop
Chat Our Support to Know Prices and Availability.
Send the Amount of that particular product to Mpesa Paybill 880100: Account 504903.
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Shipping fee Varies with location starting from KES 300.
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Location to Deliver.
We Deliver in 1hr - 2hrs within nairobi and 12 - 24hrs outside Nairobi.
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Product Information
Mchwatox 350SC is a highly effective termicide providing permanent solutions containing concentrated amounts of imidacloprid.
Long lasting, can last up to a minimum of 5 years.
Excellent all-around value
Fragrant smell
Mchwatox 350SC has been proven to be highly effective in termination of termite infestation.
This formula does not have any odour that will not affect users due to its foul smell and also, will not require evacuation of premises once the termicide is applied.
It is used in protection of buildings from infestation from termites which can damage furniture or anything that is made of wood.
Active Ingredient
Imidacloprid 350 gl h + (Chloro-nicotinoyl)
Available in a 50ml bottle.