Duduthrin 1.75EC
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How to Buy Duduthrin 1.75EC from Our Shop
Chat Our Support to Know Prices and Availability.
Send the Amount of that particular product to Mpesa Paybill 880100: Account 504903.
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Shipping fee Varies with location starting from KES 300.
After Payment send a text with your details to Rowland Africa Logistics | 07171829204:
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Location to Deliver.
We Deliver in 1hr - 2hrs within nairobi and 12 - 24hrs outside Nairobi.
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Product Information
Duduthrin is a contact insecticide used in controlling insects through contact, residual and stomach action disrupting the nervous transmission.
Controls a wide range of insects
Gives effective control of many insects
Rapid penetration into waxy cuticle of plants
Stable in water with high pH levels of about 5-9.
Active Ingredient
Lambda-cyhalothrin 17.5g/l
Used in controlling existing infestations by reducing the numbers through killing of the insects.
Preventive treatment due to its fast-acting action that can persist on foliage.
It gives prolonged protection of up to 10-14 days after being applied or used on the infested areas.
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