How to Buy Biodigester(1kg) from Our Shop Chat Our Support to Know Prices and Availability. Send the Amount of that particular product to Mpesa Paybi

How to Buy Biodigester(1kg) from Our Shop
Chat Our Support to Know Prices and Availability.
Send the Amount of that particular product to Mpesa Paybill 880100: Account 504903.
Or Mpesa Transfer to +254717819204
Shipping fee Varies with location starting from KES 300.
After Payment send a text with your details to Rowland Africa Logistics | 07171829204:
Phone number.
Location to Deliver.
We Deliver in 1hr - 2hrs within nairobi and 12 - 24hrs outside Nairobi.
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Product Information
Biodigester is a system that is used to digest organic waste material through biological means particularly animal and human excreta to produce fertilizer and biogas.
Kills 99.9% of germs
Dissolves waste materials to make it absorbable by the soil
100% effective to use
Eco-friendly the gases produced are renewable and can be used in the environment for different purposes.
Uses of Biodigester
Freshens environment
Dry’s water in septic tanks and pit latrines
Decomposes papers, polythene and diapers in pit latrines
Unblocks sinks, drainage and sewers
Active Ingredients
Sulphate compounds
Carbonate compounds