Aluminium Phosphide
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How to Buy Aluminium Phosphide from Our Shop
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Product Information
It is a highly effective fumigant applied in the successful control of pests, rodents, and moles.
How does Aluminum Phosphide kill pests?
Aluminum phosphide is a fumigant, insecticide, and a strong rodenticide. When used in rodents’; extermination, the highly toxic aluminum phosphide pellets/tablets are mixed with food and set in the rodent-infested areas. Once consumed, the acid present in the rodents’ digestive system reacts with the phosphide to release a very poisonous phosphine gas that causes the rodent's paralysis and eventual death.
As a fumigant, Aluminum Phosphide is popular in effectively treating structures like go-downs, ships, and airplanes. The facility to be treated is sealed carefully to make it gastight to contain and concentrate the phosphine fumes to give the best fumigation results. Fumigants can also be used directly on rodent tunnels.
Technical Details
It reacts with water and stomach acids to produce a dangerous phosphine gas that eventually kills pests and rodents.
It is very toxic. The phosphine gas released is highly flammable upon contact with air.
Its’ pellets have additional chemicals that produce ammonia. Ammonia consequently minimizes the possibility of impetuous explosion of the gas.
Features and Specifications
It is a dark gray, yellow, crystalline solid.
These pellets/tablets must be stored safely. Ensure no contact with moisture as this causes it to generate highly toxic phosphine gas that can be fatal to humans.
Breathing this product can cause nose, throat, and lung irritation. Other effects include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Too much exposure results in lung, kidney, and liver damage.
Target Pests
Storage pests
It is applied as a fumigant.
What are The Benefits of Using Aluminum Phosphide for Pest Control?
It has various uses as a rodenticide, fumigant, and insecticide for effective outdoor and indoor pest control.
It has proven very effective in the control of common storage pests.
It kills rodents such as rats, moles, and mice fast.
It is used as a fumigant in structures like grain silos and aircraft.
Note that: Aluminum Phosphide must be handled with great care as it is lethal to pests and humans. We insist that all contact of the product with moisture must be avoided for safety reasons.