Spider Control Services

Blog Author
Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 5, 2024

Just blink, and you'll miss it. Spiders have a lightning-fast speed, and besides being venomous, they are also the most beneficial insect predators. They feed on other insect pests on the farm, and they release venom used to kill prey. They have been used in big farms to control insect …

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Wasp Control Services

Blog Author
Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 5, 2024

You notice an insect that closely resembles an ant in your compound; you shoo it away, and ouch! It stings you and flies away! Scared and in pain, you hastily buy an insecticide and spray your compound, hoping to kill the insect and its whole family. 

The following day, the …

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Flea Control Services

Blog Author
Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 5, 2024

What is the world's most faithful pest? A flea, that's right; once they like you, they will stick to you by all means. Did you also know that human fleas prefer to infest hairy spots like the head and underarms and find a host in the pubic area? Besides disturbing, …

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Spider Control Services
  • June 5, 2024
Wasp Control Services
  • June 5, 2024
Flea Control Services
  • June 5, 2024
Don't Let Pests Bite

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