Get Premium Bed Bug Control Services

Blog Author
Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 6, 2024

We are available 24hrs Around the clock.

Say Bye To Bed bugs.

If you think that bed bugs are for people with low incomes, you are wrong! They can be found in any house. Bed bugs are very annoying. During the day, they can be an embarrassment. They are easily …

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Affordable Bedbug Control Rates

Blog Author
Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 6, 2024

Comprehensive package

1 Bedroom13,000
2 Bedroom15,000
3 Bedroom17,000
4 Bedroom19,000
5 Bedroom21,500
6 Bedroom22,800


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Get Premium Cockroach Control Services

Blog Author
Rafiki Pest Control LTD
  • June 6, 2024

 We are available 24hrs Around the clock.

Say Bye To Cockroaches

You might have tried exterminating roaches, but they keep returning, or they seem not to go away! To eliminate cockroaches, you have to understand their biological behavior. They are primitive and have three stages in their life:  Egg, Nymph, …

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Don't Let Pests Bite

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Duruma Rd, Down Town Towers. 8th Floor
Nairobi 100, Kenya

Call Now.+254717819204