Food Processing Business Pest Control
If you run a food processing business, you know that hygiene and food safety is everything. That's why you can't afford a minor pest infestation. A small infestation spreads throughout the company, and the news will spread even faster from online review sites to social media.
The food processing business has its' unique challenges. Several risk factors make food processing industries highly susceptible to pest infestations. However, this should be fine for you, so continue your operations. Leave your pest problems to the professionals. They are specifically trained to exterminate pest infestations and protect your business from future issues. Our professional pest controllers have done pest control for years in the food industry, and they know precisely how to give you the desired long-term results.
Our Food Processing Business Pest Control Program.
Our specialized pest control program is tailored to meet all the specific regulatory requirements of the food processing business. This program ensures that food safety comes first and that all your requirements are adequately met.
This program usually follows the following procedures:
The Inspection
An adequate food processing controlling pest program will always start with thoroughly inspecting your entire company. The highly susceptible nature of food processing industries requires regular inspections. These inspections are done on the exterior and interior of the industry. During these inspections, our experts will identify all potential pest harborage areas. Our experts will provide a detailed report on all the problems and risk areas at the end of each inspection.
Preventive Measures.
All pest harborage areas and entry points, such as small openings, will be discovered during inspection. The openings will be refilled and sealed completely to keep pests away. While at the industry's exterior perimeter, our technician will set and position bait stations in all the rodent-risk areas. Only three categories of traps can be used in the industry's interior: live pest traps, glue boards, and snap traps. Note: Baits are highly toxic and cannot be used inside the food processing industry. As a pest preventive measure, your staff will also be educated on maintaining high standards of hygiene and the appropriate ways to carry out daily activities to keep pests away.
Objective Identification
While inspecting your property, the technician will discover any pest activities within the industry. A deeper inspection will be done to identify the specific type of pest causing trouble.
Our technicians will thoroughly examine the entire industry to discover the infestation's root course. All the factors attracting pests and all conducive pest-hiding spots will be addressed accordingly.
Pest Treatment Selection
Integral pest management programs (IPM) discourage dependence on one pest treatment method. Once the exact pest problem has been identified, our technicians will combine the best methods for the most effective results. The technique chosen for treatment must be recorded, and the responsible technicians must carry out all activities.
Monitoring frequency
Frequently monitoring your food processing industry is the first step to shifting the focus from exterminating existing infestations to preventing infestations in your business. Our experts will train all your staff on monitoring possible pest activities within the industry. This way, pest infestation threats can be discovered early before spreading to the entire business. A small infestation is cheaper and less tedious to get rid of.
Validation documentation is very crucial for your food processing business. Quality documentation of all pest activities, pest infestation threats, activities performed, and all corrective measures and pesticides applied is necessary. When the food safety auditors come during audit time, you will be confident of getting impressive scores because Rafiki Pest Control always keeps you ready with up-to-date and accurate pest control records.
Our Pest Control and Management Guide
Our pest control and management guide for food processing industries is highly efficient and ensures zero contamination of food sources. Pests are strictly forbidden from food businesses because they cause much food damage and contamination.
We apply the latest technology and methodologies to control, exterminate, and keep pests from your business. We take care of all food processing pest problems, including:
What Are The Most Common Signs of Pest Activities in Your Business?
Pest activities in your business will cause damage to property and food packaging and contaminate food. This results in many customers complaining, and eventually, you'll lose them.
You must be proactive with pest control. Not only by having the best pest control professionals in your business but by watching out for the following pest signs as well:
Presence of fur and small eggs.
Fecal droppings lying around
Damaged foods and food packaging
Smells of urine
Sighting rodents or other pests
Wings and nests
Food Processing Business Controlling Pests Methods
The most common methods that we use for food processing pest control include:
Environmental Pest Control Methods
Environmental methods are the safest and most effective way of controlling pests in food processing businesses. Ecological pest control helps prevent pest infestations by denying them a conducive environment to thrive. It involves limiting their access to shelter, food, and water by:
Educating staff on ways of maintaining very high hygiene standards.
Ensuring proper structural maintenance like well-fitted doors, well-maintained drainages, and sealing cracks and crevices.
Keeping all external doors closed unless in use.
Establishing plastic screens on doors and windows.
Fixing protective plates at the bottom of doors
Regular inspections of possible rodent hiding spots like ceilings and basements.
Maintain proper food storage methods and ensure inspection of food deliveries at the receiving area before storing them.
Chemical Pest Control Methods
Chemical methods are only used when there is an existing infestation. Chemical pest control methods, including rodenticides, fumigants, and insecticides, are effective and toxic. They eliminate pests and prevent future infestations. However, using them in food processing is risky and should be avoided. These chemicals can only be handled by a trained pest control professional.
Physical Pest Control Methods
Physical pest control is also used in places with an existing infestation. Traps are used to catch and scare pests away. Traps are mainly used inside the food processing business as they do not contain harmful chemicals. They include:
Bait traps and sticky boards to catch rodents.
Sticky flycatchers.
Electric flycatchers
Wire systems to trap birds.
DIY Pest Control Products for Food Processing Businesses
All food processing business owners can now manage small pest infestations effectively. We have eased the process by stocking all our stores near you with the most effective yet eco-friendly DIY pest control products. The Kenya Pest Control Products Board registers all these products, and they come with a simplified 'directions for use' guide to give you the desired results.
You do not have to travel to our stores if you cannot do so. Our online shop, www.rafikipestcontrol.com/shop, also has all these products. Place an order, and the products will be delivered to your doorstep in less than 2 hours.