Dust mites could lurk in your house if you have unexplained allergies, red skin rashes, an itchy throat, and watering eyes. Be quick to exterminate these tiny pests because that allergy can quickly grow into asthma. If these symptoms persist all year round, you should visit a physician for medical help.
Thanks to their tiny size and microscopic nature, it is difficult to effectively exterminate dust mite infestations by yourself. A professional pest controller is trained in expert methods and tricks to kill dust mites completely and prevent chances of future re-infestations.
5 Dust Mite Facts You Probably Didn't Know
Unbelievably tiny
Dust Mites are tiny insects and are easily mistaken for bed bugs. Their size of only 0.5 mm makes it strenuous to notice their presence once they infest your home, and they are only visible under a microscope.
They are Allergenic
Breathing dust, mite skin, and droppings can result in allergies, and if not controlled effectively, the allergy can quickly develop into asthma. Some signs of these allergies include;
Itchy throat and skin
Congested nose and watery eyes
Wheezing and sneezing
They Do Not Bite
While these creatures make your skin itchy and cause nasty rashes, they don't bite. Their allergies can, however, be very extreme to the extent you may require medical attention.
Life Span
While a male dust mite survives for nearly 30 days, their female counterparts live for approximately three months.
Feeding Pattern
These insects feed on debris and dead skin cells. You will mostly notice them where skin debris has accumulated, like in bedding, sits, pillows, upholstery, and carpets.
The Most Common Dust Mite Hiding Spots?
Dust mites dwell in our houses because they feed on dead skin cells. The daily debris shed off by a single person can feed close to 1.5 million dust mites. Mostly, you'll find them in warm, dark places.
Floor mats
Sits, furniture, and sofas
Pet places
Books, and underneath baseboards.
In facial hair and hair
What Attracts Dust Mites Into Your Home?
These mites feed on skin debris that we mainly shed off when asleep. They harbour clutter and accumulate dust/dirt in the house. Dust mites also stay in offices, restaurants, barbershops, and libraries, mainly because of favourable warm and moist conditions for survival. It is difficult to exterminate dust mites effectively. If you are determined to control them thoroughly, you must call an experienced pest control professional.
Signs Of Dust Mite Infestation?
Dust mites are small, and you will hardly notice them with bare eyes. Hence, a dust mite population can quickly grow for years into an unmanageable size without you noticing. Feeling itchy is not an automatic sign of their presence, but if allergic reactions with the following symptoms accompany the itchiness, then you are under a dust mite infestation;
Red rashes on your skin.
Persistent sneeze
Occasional loss of breath and suffocation in other cases
Itchy throat and runny nose
Watering eyes
How To Avoid Dust Mite Infestations?
Avoiding dust mites is crucial in preventing the allergies that come with them. Keeping them off is challenging, but we have compiled the strategies below to help you avoid their attack.
Maintain cleanliness in your home and often vacuum your carpets.
Give special care to the pet bed area.
Consider getting washable toys.
Clean your blinds and window sills. Consider changing your blinds with ones that are simple to wash and don't gather dirt quickly.
Dust all surfaces using damp clothing and give special attention to cracks and crevices.
Use bedding that resists allergens and ensures humidity below fifty per cent in your home.
Maintain dust-free closets and cabinets and always close doors.
DIY Dust Mite Treatment
The only sure method of dust mite elimination is getting help from a Professional Pest Controller who has studied their behavioural changes and knows all the expert tricks of eliminating them while preventing their return. However, below are methods to control such infestations in your premises and avoid allergic reactions.
Always target dust mite hiding spots to control them effectively.
Clean bedding in warm water.
Clean surfaces using wet clothing
Often, vacuum and treat infested places using dust mite insecticides.
Alternatively, you can apply home remedies such as washing off bedding and toys with Eucalyptus essential oil diluted in water.
Apply carpet treatments when washing your carpets to kill any hiding dust mites.
Professional Dust Mite Treatment
Our professional pest controllers know every trick and extreme yet safe measure to control dust mites and avoid future re-infestations. Upon your request, they will visit your home and embark on a radical inspection designed to spot dust mite attraction and breeding sites in your house and compound. From these findings, they will develop the most efficient control strategy and apply the recommended course of treatment to meet all your desired results and ensure your safe and comfortable living.
Dust mites are difficult to see with your naked eyes, and controlling them is as difficult. Their allergic reaction can be deadly and could develop into asthma. Call a pest control professional to ascertain when you suspect them in your home/compound for effective dust mite elimination.