Apart from being creepy scavengers, cockroaches are disgusting and a severe public health risk. These invaders have lived on Earth for over 300 million years and have adapted to survive in nearly any environment.
Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures and can live for one month without food and up to 7 days without water. They feed on everything from paper, clothing, plants, and human flesh.
Cockroach Risks In Homes and Businesses
Cockroaches in a home environment are a health hazard because they can carry and spread diseases like cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, and even leprosy. Besides, cockroach antigens also pose a severe risk to people with asthma.
A cockroach infestation in your commercial business poses significant food and safety risks. Their presence in your space can result in a bad reputation and fines. In the worst-case scenario, roaches can cause sickness or even death of customers and staff, resulting in lawsuits, financial losses, and eventual business closure.
At Rafiki Pest Control, we have dealt with multiple cockroach infestations in Mombasa homes for decades. We know the common cockroach species that invade homes in the coastal city. Consequently, our licensed experts have implemented innovative solutions ideal for treating pests and eliminating the problem at its core.
Our well-trained experts understand that every property is unique, with specific characteristics requiring a customized cockroach control plan. From residential homes and government buildings to commercial spaces, Rafiki Pest Control has provided solutions that ensure cockroach problems become a thing of the past.
Signs Of A Cockroach Problem In Your Property
Cockroaches are universally despised creatures! Experts argue that we are naturally programmed to fear these insects not only because they are unsightly but because most of their traits trigger our hardwired disgust reflexes.
Have you spotted cockroaches in your home? In that case, you should call a licensed pest control company in Mombasa for professional treatment to quickly get rid of the cockroach infestation. Other signs of a cockroach infestation that require skilled treatment include:
Cockroach Dropping: Roaches can produce a large number of feces. Although they have a habit of pooping everywhere they go, you'll mostly find their droppings close to their nesting and feeding spots. Cockroach droppings are like dark specks of pepper or dark rice grains with varying sizes depending on the size of the cockroach in question.
Shed Cockroach SKin: Cockroaches shed their skins about eight times throughout their life cycle. If you have an active cockroach infestation, the high chances are that you will see shed 'cast nymphal' skin around your property.
Cockroach Damages: Roaches don't cause long-lasting harm to your home. However, the sheer number of full-blown infestations can cause structural damage on the inside of walls, under floorboards, books, leather, and food packaging.
Smear Marks: Cockroaches are notorious for leaving dark/brown. Irregular-shaped stains or smear marks as they crawl along your walls and even where they are resting. These stains are typically liquified roach poop, and you'll find them in places with high cockroach activity.
Unexplainable Odor: A full-blown cockroach infestation produces an oily, musty odor. This unpleasant smell can linger even after the infestation has been exterminated, and it can taint items that come in contact with it.
Some Of The Cockroaches That Commonly Invade Mombasa Homes
Many cockroach species can invade homes on the Kenyan coast. However, the two species that have managed to make a considerable nuisance of themselves include:
German Cockroaches
These unsightly invaders are widely distributed throughout the world! They are easily recognizable thanks to the long dark stripes on their pronotum. An adult German cockroach can grow up to 12 to 15mm long.
A single egg case contains up to 35 to 40 eggs. Females carry this case until the eggs are ready to hatch.
The eggs take up to 30 days to hatch.
The nymphs take six weeks to 6 months to develop into reproductive adults.
They can have 3-4 generations per year.
Almost always found indoors
They prefer wet areas and humid conditions. Hence, you'll often find them in the kitchen and bathrooms in residential and commercial properties.
American Cockroaches
These notorious species are the largest of the house-invading roaches. Commonly known as the water bug or palmetto bug, these cockroaches can grow and exceed 50mm in length, and they are a significant pest problem in Mombasa homes.
You can quickly identify them by their shiny, red-brown color and wings that are relatively longer than the body in males. The wings overlap the female cockroach's abdomen.
A single egg case contains about 16 eggs.
Females only carry the egg case for several days before depositing them.
Eggs hatch in 30-60 days.
Nymphs need about 6-15 months to develop into reproductive adults.
Habits American cockroaches prefer the dark, humid, and undisturbed corners with less traffic. You can find these creepy pests in many places, including basements, bathrooms, roof voids, and subfloors.
Identifying The Cause Of Cockroach Problems In Mombasa Homes And Solving The Problem At Its Root
At Rafiki Pest Control, we are committed to ensuring that you are not simply hiring a licensed company to eradicate the pest problem today, only for it to return after a few days. We don't just eliminate cockroaches from your property- we modify the environment and create unfavorable conditions for cockroaches to survive.
We look to create a cockroach control plan in Mombasa that ensures the pests are destroyed fast and efficiently and discouraged from re-infesting in the future. Hence, we inspect your entire property on its merits and avoid assumptions by identifying the exact cause of your pest problem and the specific cockroach species invading. Only then shall we customize a treatment plan that will eliminate the roaches and ensure they do not become a future problem.