Get Premium Bed Bug Control Services

 We are available 24hrs Around the clock

Say Bye To Bed bugs

If you thought that bed bugs are for the poor, then you are very wrong! They can be found in any house. Bed bugs are very annoying. During the day they can really be an embarrassment. They are easily spread but difficult to control. They hide during the daytime only to come out at night to feed on the hosts’ blood.

Adult bed bugs are brown to reddish brown. They are oval in shape with a flattened body. They can easily hide in tiny cracks and crevices due to their flat body shape. They like hiding in dark and isolated areas. You will find them in skirting board, wardrobes, and bedside cabinets, underneath carpets, bed frames and headboard crevices. Hotels are not spared either! You will find bedbugs in the high-class hotels.

Say Bye To Bed bugs

How We Do It

How We Do It

  • Inspection
  • Treatment
  • Reports/Follow-Ups

Our approach to Pest control is effective and it is done by specialists who are vetted and licenced. When at your place they will conduct an inspection which will give more information on the level of infestation and the major areas suspected to be the breeding areas. When inspection is done the technician will proceed to Treat, an appropriate application using the chosen plan is done carefully.

How You Get Bed bugs

  • From public places like buses, hotels, lodgings, market place or learning institutions.
  • From neighbors through a shared clothesline.
  • Some second hand bought items such as household furniture and clothing could be having the bugs.

We offer Premium Services which entails proper reporting and follow ups which makes it a perfect choice for your bedbug extermination needs.

 How You Get Bed bugs

BedBug Control Pricing

BedBug Control Pricing

Bed Bug control prices vary depending on several aspects include:

  • Number of bedrooms/beds
  • Level of infestation
  • Size of house/property
Don't Let Pests Bite

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Contact Information

Duruma Rd, Down Town Towers. 8th Floor
Nairobi 100, Kenya

Call Now. +254717819204