Get Premium Bats Control Services

 We are available 24hrs Around the clock

Say Bye To Bats

You might have tried exterminating Bats but they keep on coming back or they seem not to go away! In order to eliminate Bats you have to understand the biological behaviour of bats.

Say Bye To Bed bugs

How We Do It

How We Do It

  • Inspection
  • Treatment
  • Reports/Follow-Ups

Our approach to Pest control is effective and it is done by specialists who are vetted and licenced. When at your place they will conduct an inspection which will give more information on the level of infestation and the major areas suspected to be the breeding areas. When inspection is done the technician will proceed to Treat, an appropriate application using the chosen plan is done carefully.

Bats Control Pricing

Bats control prices vary depending on several aspects include:

  • Level of infestation
  • Number of treatments needed.
  • Location and Site complexities.

You can always trust us to give the best service.

 How You Get Bed bugs

Don't Let Pests Bite

Let's Help You

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  • Laptop
  • Bill
Contact Information

Duruma Rd, Down Town Towers. 8th Floor
Nairobi 100, Kenya

Call Now. +254717819204