Revus 250 SC PCB Approved


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Revus 250 SC

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Product Information

Revus 250 SC is a fungicide commonly used in agriculture to control various fungal diseases in crops. Here's some detailed information about Revus 250 SC:

Active Ingredient: The active ingredient in Revus 250 SC is Mandipropamid.

Active Ingredient Mode of Action: Mandipropamid is a member of the carboxylic acid amide (CAA) class of fungicides. It works by inhibiting the formation of the spore-producing structures (sporangiophores) in fungi, preventing them from spreading and causing disease.

Target Diseases: Revus 250 SC is primarily used to control fungal diseases in a wide range of crops, including late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, downy mildew in various vegetables, and other foliar and soil-borne diseases in fruits, vegetables, and specialty crops.

Rate of Application: The rate of application and specific usage instructions can vary depending on the crop and disease being treated. Always refer to the product label for the recommended rates and application guidelines.

Reasons Why You Might Choose Revus 250 SC:

  1. Broad-Spectrum Disease Control: Revus 250 SC offers effective control of a broad spectrum of fungal diseases, making it a valuable tool for crop protection in various agricultural settings.

  2. Preventative and Curative: It can be used both preventatively and curatively, making it versatile for disease management strategies.

  3. Residual Activity: Revus 250 SC typically provides residual control, offering protection for a period after application.

  4. Minimal Impact on Beneficial Organisms: It has a relatively low impact on beneficial insects and organisms, making it compatible with integrated pest management (IPM) practices.

  5. Systemic and Protective Action: This fungicide exhibits both systemic (moves within the plant) and protective (surface) action, ensuring thorough disease control.

Why You Should Buy Revus 250 SC from Rafiki Pest Control Stores:

  1. Quality Assurance: Rafiki Pest Control Stores offers high-quality agricultural products, including fungicides like Revus 250 SC, from reputable manufacturers.

  2. Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable staff can provide expert guidance on the proper use, application rates, and timing of fungicides to maximize disease control while minimizing environmental impact.

  3. Wide Range of Agricultural Products: Rafiki Pest Control Stores offers a comprehensive selection of agricultural solutions, allowing you to choose the right products for your specific crop protection needs.

  4. Customer Support: We prioritize customer satisfaction and provide excellent customer service, assisting you with product selection, and application techniques, and addressing any questions or concerns you may have regarding crop protection.

When using fungicides like Revus 250 SC, it's essential to follow label instructions carefully, adhere to recommended safety precautions, and consider local regulations and guidelines for pesticide use in agriculture. Proper application techniques and timing are crucial for effective disease management in crops.

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